Speaking & Lecturing

I can speak without hesitation at breakfast, lunch, dinner, after dinner, full days, half days, you name it… and of course, being of Irish heritage, I can talk about anything!

Don’t be intimidated or bored by my leaning towards the neuroscientific and academic side of life.  There’s a volume of comedic material when you’re talking about the human brain. I lecture at Universities, including “Oxford” but am just as at home in a rugby club. Workshops, seminars, debates, televised or non-televised.

National & international Conferences.

I have spoken throughout South East Asia, primarily as a clinician at neuroscience summits. I am especially skilled at speaking through translation headphones sets and take care to be culturally sensitive at all times, but as politically incorrect as what I can get away with, with no damage done!

I have developed a unique ability to speak in many areas, combining science and fact with humour and accessibility for audiences from many walks of life. Below are a few examples of this diversity.

  • University lecturing
  • Neuroscience summit to Japanese neuro clinicians in Melbourne.
  • Talking about the stigma of depressive illness in South Korea, to experts from the South Pacific region.
  • Breast cancer foundation and breast support groups.
  • Stigma and depression Oxford University Hospital.
  • Stress in the workplace – Auckland District Law Society
  • Stress and lawyers – NZ Bar Association
  • Dinner speaker – Affective Disorders Conference,
  • Christchurch NZ
  • Breast Support Book Launch
  • Dinner speaker at ANZ Psychiatry & the Law conference.
  • Keynote Speaker Psychology philosophy and Ethics conference.
  • Educational speaker for ProCare doctors educational progammes.

This list provides a small cross-section of the speaking I have done. I have also donated a lot of time speaking to non-profit and charitable organisations. Where causes are involved that I believe are very worthwhile, given you can’t give time to all of them.