Corporate Training

My programmes are always specifically tailored to the needs of the organisation. They do have a Cognitive Behavioural foundation as this methodology provides the most practical strategies and outcomes from short learning interventions.

Given that workshops and seminars in the workplace are in the most demand, content primarily has the following themes;

  1. Bettering communication.
  2. Managing stress in the workplace
  3. Managing People
  4. Understanding people problems.
  5. Gen Y workshops
  6. Resilience training
  7. Preventing Burn Out
  8. Training modules in; Worry, negative perfectionism, procrastination.
  9. Customer communications training
  10. Dealing with gossip and bullying in the workplace
  11. Work/Life Balance
  12. Assertiveness Training
  13. Soft Skills training for the IT Industry.

Client List Includes

  • Canon NZ & Aust
  • TVNZ
  • Simpson Grierson
  • Shopping Channel
  • Schwarzkopf NZ & Australia
  • Vodafone
  • Ministry of Justice

On the more individual side of this work, I am also employed with Stress in the Workplace claims as an expert witness and consultant. I have advocated for both employees and employers. I maintain a number of ongoing Employee Assistance relationships with such organisations as:

  • Air New Zealand
  • Television New Zealand
  • Medical Protection Society
  • Vodafone
  • Pilots Benefit Fund
  • Private medical insurers.

I am not at this stage ACC registered.

What you can expect?

I always meet with the organisation and ask for a brief of what the most important pressing problems are and design the presentations to meet these requirements. Most organisations have specific needs, e.g. stress management, communications skills, adapting to a merger etc. Hence the workshop design is to provide a model of understanding the emotional responses to the stress/strain and teach techniques for best managing these responses.

Personal stories often emerge with regards, family and mental health challenges, these are dealt with sensitively and with respect.

The outcome is to provide resilience and adaptability to changing environments and the demands of an ever-changing world.


Many thanks again for all you’ve done for the team here.  It was very much appreciated.
The National Transcription Service (NTS) is a business unit within the Higher Courts Group of the Ministry of Justice, employing approximately 130 Court Reporters.   NTS has the potential capacity to transcribe in excess of 60 ‘live’ events simultaneously, whilst continuing to provide transcription for other events that do not require live support. Audio content and complexity mixed with the speed needed to ensure our Courts are able to proceed without pause or interruption are stressors that when coupled with crimes that for the majority are abhorrent to hear, make the workday difficult to let go of.

NTS, in particular, the Albany service centre was fortunate to have Gwendoline Smith, an acclaimed psychologist and author, to present to staff on the ‘Power of One’ and how we, as individuals, hold the key to coping both at work and in our private lives. The presentation itself, while informal, was totally engaging, enlightening, thought-provoking and in true ‘Gwendoline fashion’, humorous.

Gwendoline, thank you for taking the time to present to our team – the feedback, without exception, was ‘WOW!!’  ‘Absolutely fantastic’ and ‘We want more of that’, ‘What an empowering woman’ and ‘I could listen to her all day’.

P Goonan
Justice Department