The Book Feeling Blue
How do you know if you’re just feeling a bit sad or if you are depressed? What level of sadness is ‘normal’? How do you work out what’s going on when you feel down? What kinds of treatment are available? How do you help a family member or friend who is depressed?
This book answers these questions and many more. Specifically addressing postnatal blues and depression; depression in children, teens and older people; and depression in relation to gender and sexuality. It covers the full range of treatment options, from psychiatry through to natural therapies.
With characteristic humorous approach, examples and anecdotes, it offers powerful strategies for addressing these issues.
‘Depression knows no bounds. It is oblivious to gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation. Just try to understand and be kind.’
The Book Of Angst
There’s a lot of angst around these days. This heightened sense of fear, concern, insecurity and uncertainty can be overwhelming. Bestselling author of The Book of Overthinking and The Book of Knowing Gwendoline Smith explains what angst is and the ways in which deep anxiety can manifest. Gwendoline then drills down into social anxiety, which is often underdiagnosed but is one of the most common of the anxiety family. Using simple, clear language and humorous illustrations, Gwendoline gives detailed step-by-step advice on how to cope.

The Book Of Overthinking
Overthinking is also known as worrying or ruminating and it’s a form of anxiety that many people suffer from. Psychologist and bestselling author Gwendoline Smith explains in clear and simple language the concepts of positive and negative overthinking, the truth about worry and how to deal with the ‘thought viruses’ that are holding you back. She helps you understand what’s going on in your head, using humour, lots of examples and anecdotes, and she offers powerful strategies for addressing your issues..
Based on cognitive behavioural theory, this book will help you in all the key areas of your life: from your personal life to relationships and work.
The Book Of Knowing – Korean
Rewritten in Korean.
Written in an accessible and humorous style, this book teaches you to know what’s going on in your mind and how to get your feelings under control. It’ll help you adapt and feel better about your place in the world.
Psychologist Gwendoline Smith uses her broad scientific knowledge and experience to explain in clear and simple language what’s happening when you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious and confused.

The Book Of Knowing
Written in an accessible and humorous style, this book teaches you to know what’s going on in your mind and how to get your feelings under control. It’ll help you adapt and feel better about your place in the world.
Psychologist Gwendoline Smith uses her broad scientific knowledge and experience to explain in clear and simple language what’s happening when you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious and confused.

Breast Support
If You or Someone You Love has Breast Cancer, You Need This Book!
When Gwendoline Smith chanced to have a breast examination at a mobile unit in 2009, little did she know where it might lead. Sure, she lived with the knowledge of her mother’s breast cancer years before, but could it really happen to her too? The realisation dawned only when the medical evidence could not be questioned, and so began one of the most testing years of her life. In Breast Support, Gwendoline describes not just the physical and medical experience of breast cancer, through diagnosis, surgery, recovery and rehabilitation, but the emotional and psychological experience too. In a book memorable for its wit and self-deprecating humour, she answers some of the questions women frequently ask: what to wear to a breast examination; how to tell friends and family that you have the disease; how to be positive and maintain a cheerful outlook. She also offers insightful advice on esteem and self-confidence when facing the loss of an essential part of what it means to be feminine. Her book does not forget partners either: there are many messages in this book for husbands and boyfriends. There is also a separate chapter for women in lesbian relationships. Supporting Gwendoline’s superbly written text are contributions from her surgeon and other medical specialists who tell the story from their point of view. The text is, therefore, a unique combination of personal story and insider information, offered with both a light touch and professional expertise.
“In Breast Support, you’ll find science, advice on what to tell children and the boss, factual information and some Smith-isms you’re unlikely to find in other books about cancer…But don’t for a minute think the humour overpowers what is essentially a very practical and information-packed guide.”
Australian Women’s Weekly NZ

Depression Explained
Depression is a common disorder, but it is surrounded by ignorance, fear and prejudice. As a clinical psychologist, Gwendoline Smith has worked with many depressed people, but it wasn’t until she suffered depression herself that she fully appreciated how these factors can prevent effective treatment. In Depression Explained she faces these issues and combines personal experience, clinical information and commonsense advice for all those who have to deal with depression, including childhood and adolescent depression, post-natal depression and depression in the elderly. She defines depression and explains how to recognise it, outlines the role of the psychiatrist, describes the various medications and therapies available, discusses the place of natural therapies, offers advice to the carer, and throughout the book includes the experiences of many families and the lessons they have to offer.

Mr. NZ
I was approached by Penguin Books to write a book, having been a radio host for a number of years.
The psychology of the NZ male was even more controversial in those days, as “rugby, racing & beer” was a lifestyle increasing condemned by the women, cleaning the socks. Believe it or not, things are different now, there are yachting and soccer and hockey and rowing and netball.
But some things are still the same leaving this book still a very contemporary and highly interesting read.